Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Testimonials and Feedback

I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people in getting to a greater space of wellness and joy through my Healing Resonance, Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit-emotions sessions, and energy-in-form fractal art. We are not merely our bodies ... we are an ever-changing composite of physicality, emotions, spirituality, and energy/frequency/vibration. These aspects of self are so tied together in somewhat of a "chicken and egg" (which came first) scenario that the mind-body-spirit approach to healing makes so much sense.

In each client testimonial I have provided a bit of background info [written in brackets]. Many major transformations reflect a shedding of an old, painful story/frequency/density. This is why I love to say "release what no longer serves you." The time & energy is right for incredible shifts. We are each here to contribute our pure essence of light and love; that is so much easier to do when we are centered, balanced, and connected within our Selves! Much love, Kristi

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The work Kristi does is profound, intuitive and brings TRUTH BUMPS whenever I think of her!*

A woman sits at the steering wheel in a car which has been t-boned. a firemanu uses pry-bar to open the smashed-in door.

[As Founding Member of Holistic Pros NH/ME, I have known Sonia professionally for a couple of years. When she posted in our FB about her extreme physical pain (headache) and trauma and I knew that I could help. I reached out to her to offer one of my #healingresonancellc 15-minute Injury/Post-Op sessions. These are appropriate when suffering a fall, accident, or prior to and after physical surgery. I can communicate with the body, mind, spirit, emotions to restore balance so that healing is accelerated. In this case, I detected that part of Sonia's soul essence was not fully-grounded within her physical body and helped her to retrieve and assimilate that. Stock image.]

The day I got into my car accident, Kristi sent me a message saying she could help. I accepted and we connected on the phone. The experience with her was beyond anything I could have expected. I am certain she helped me release the trauma of the accident and offered me a wonderful soul healing. 

I know when the accident happened that I left a part of me at the site, it's what happens when trauma touches us. Kristi joined me through the ethers and brought me back to wholeness. I know this to be true because there has been absolutely no reaction to similar experiences (seeing a car out of the corner of my eye). 

I am so grateful to Kristi and the work that she does, it's profound, intuitive and brings up the truth-bumps whenever I think of her. 

Sonia Gaudette, NH

Schedule Your Post-Accident/Pre- and Post-Surgical Session today!
Calendar also available for Perspective Reboot® Healing Sessions for individuals and couples
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Friday, March 22, 2024

She is the one to help you get to the reason ....*

woman holds eye due to pain. Healing Resonance llc logo with testimonial byte says:I felt a shift in my head and all the pain was gone ...

[On 12/30 I received a message from Sandy "I have been out of wack since Nov 5. I cannot see from right eye, it is bloody red. watering, and very very painful (feels like stabbing in eye)." I knew reaching out for help was huge for her and I could help her. I offered to work remotely on her concerns for a few minutes to see if I could ease the pain. The next day she shared great short-term results. The pain had returned, so I knew that there were shifts she needed to make within her own psyche in order to hold the healing. We worked through text session (this is a service I offer through my site called "Live Chat"), diving into the emotional and self-worth underpinnings of her pain eruptions. Most often pain is our body's way of acknowledging, indicating, crying that we need to release what no longer (and perhaps never) serves our Highest Good. There has never been a better time to heal mind, body, spirit, emotions!]

"Wonderful session with Kristi...

I had a sinus infection which affected one eye. The pain was severe, as though little pieces of glass were sticking in it. It was also running water water like an open faucet. 

This had been going on for almost two months. I had worked with Kristi before, and emailed asking her to send healing energy to me. She quickly responded and said she would that afternoon. 

At some point in early evening I felt a shift in my head: ALL THE PAIN WAS GONE, sinuses dried, eye stopped running like an open faucet, and I could see with my right eye ... I was thrilled I had my life back! 

Next day, pain was back although other symptoms were not as bad. I reached back to Kristi. She explained that underlying stuck emotions can be asking for love ... she likened it to a toddler having a temper tantrum. Yup!

She fit me in so we could do a text session. While I hadn't been aware of her "working on me" the prior day, this was more intense. Kristi "accessed" information from my subconscious in an attempt to get to the root cause of the issues I was having at the time. She helped shift some of that energy and gave me insights and affirmations I could use to help in healing.

It is my recommendation to all to work with Kristi if you are having any ongoing issues in your life. She is the one to help you get to the reasons for your pain!"

Sandy W
New Hampshire


Release what no longer serves you and our world xo

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Sunday, March 3, 2024

It's Time to REALLY Start Living!*

Tree of Life Yin Yang carved clock by Woodentek on etsy
image source Woodentek, etsy listing current 2/24

In the last six months, it has been my extreme joy to work with a number of sweet souls, painfully living out-of-touch with their TRUE SELVES, essence, light. I have served as a mid-wife in ways, helping them in their own rebirthing.

I'm sharing some of their sentiments of reclamation and transformation facilitated by their purchasing Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Energy Healing sessions via my Jump-Start Package option. In similar and yet vastly different ways, each has experienced what feels like awakening to a NEW LIFE, a better version of themselves they never knew existed beneath the mire ... what I can only explain as "density" borne of trauma, self-doubt, inner disconnect.

As KL expressed at the start of our third session on Friday, "My Perspective Reboot® wasn't immediate. It built with each session, and today I feel not only LIGHTER but also BRIGHTER. I'm bringing my brightness out into the world in ways that I never knew how to allow myself to do before! I am so glad for the synchronicity that led me to you!

Even those of us who have been gifted with "an easy, pleasant childhood" can become fragmented and separated from our True Selves. It can seem that things are coming to a head at this point, but please know that when trouble surfaces it is our inner calling for MORE and BETTER ... #thevibetothrive! "The Universe" is urging us to heal that which is buried so we may SHINE!

RO has been feeling somewhat hopeless for the last few years. While away at a conference in Alabama this winter, her wife was attending a cocktail party and met a woman who had worked with me some years ago. CB encouraged contacting me, sharing that our sessions had been life-changing. 

In our most-recent session, RO expressed gratitude ..."I am thrilled to be looking ahead to 2024, hopeful for the first time in years." Like many of us, RO was programmed by her elders to beLIEve that "life is hard" and "the struggle is real". I've been guiding her to the sweet space of surrender in which we know and trust that "life is good" and "we are so blessed". 

These spaces of living are each available to us as a choice, but we have to REAL-EYEs what we are and have been choosing before we can SEE(ze) our power in the very magical conscious NOW!

Remember, whatever challenge we find we're repeatedly facing is actually our GREATEST OPPORTUNITY to expand and heal, not only ourSELVES but also our forward/backward bloodline, and hence, our world! RO expresses to me each time we meet remotely, how wonderful and improbable was the path that led her to me was. I agree!

Please know, life is happening for us; ALL IS WELL!

This past fall, I worked with a friend's mom, currently in her 80s. She was coming to me because she had unnamed "anger I cannot pinpoint." Through inner child healing, we reframed some traumatic loss she had suffered, and been unable to process as a young child. 

Spirit/Source/Our Highest Good/God guides the sessions and shares loving energy, messages, awarenesses as/through me. After each session, I write notes for my client's continued self-awareness and "homework". When CP joined me at the table after her first session, she shared "You have such a gentle loving way of seeing. Thank you for opening my eyes. I have wasted so much time, but I am ready to start ... LIVING!

Each light and soul here are so necessary, even critical to our mass, so these sentiments are literal "music to my ears". Reach out for support in claiming/owning/expressing your own #vibetothrive!


Kristi Borst, PhD

release that which no longer serves you ...

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Get a signed copy of "This Little Light of Mine", Kristi's chapter in BE THE BEACON
Get a signed copy of "The Vibe to Thrive", Kristi's chapter in UNMUTED VOICES
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® Podcast, Free Mp3s and Free Videos
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Thursday, July 27, 2023

"I'll Definitely Be Calling You Again. This Has Been Fantastic!"*

swirling energy in orange

One of my offerings is INSTANT CHAT. We connect by phone or text for as long as you wish. I am happy to support your journey toward inner peace, more and better through this offering or our scheduled time together! [Please do review the time/pricing in my online booking calendar, because in some cases you can get more time for less money going that route.]

Instant Chat caller, Mitch asked for "medical intuitive" information and I also worked on the areas of his concern during our time together. He relayed some Divine encounters and messages he experienced while his body was in intensive care and his spirit was between here and our next place. I am using this image to honor his sharing. 

After our call, Click4Advisor give Mitch the option of sharing feedback. Thank you Mitch for this:

Service: Chakra Healer, Emotional-Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Guide, Behavorial Repatterning
Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: This is an easy review, Incredible!!!!!
Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?: Definitely

Grateful to be of service,

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Kore HealingSM with Kristi On-Demand Sessions
Perspective Reboot® Podcast series, Free Mp3s and Free Videos
Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

We Shifted Something BIG Today!*

Taking flight can be firstly about releasing what is keeping you from your own magnificance! Release what no longer serves you, and thereby, Our HIGHEST Good! Beautiful costume by designer, Andrew WittkamperThe concept of our having wings has been in my subtle perceptions for some time. I am using it as an illustration here, because my client AP also used this symbolism in her communications early-on in our collaboration. Today, spread your wings, dear mother/father, sister/brother, daughter/son angel; it is our time to fly and we are LIFTING one another! This beautiful costume is by designer, Andrew Wittkamper.

[AP contacted me through the LIVE CHAT feature on my site, scheduling a mini-session. She stated on that call that she was interested in help with moving forward after a major life change. I gave her a mini-reading which honed in on some long-term spiritual challenges on her soul path. I also worked briefly on releasing grief in her heart and clearing density from her lungs. She subsequently purchased a 3-session Jump Start Package and a couple of her messages are compiled here. I send emails post-session to distance clients which highlight session finding, repeat or introduce tools, and suggest self-empowerment "homework"). ]

AP left the following review on Click4Advisor which powers the Live Chat feature on my site: 

Service: Spiritual Guidance, Emotional/Medical Intuitive, Quantum Energy Healing
Advisor Ratings:

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Subject matter expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Communication ability: Extremely Satisfied

User Comments: "Kristi is a joy to work with and her healing abilities were evident from the moment we spoke. I left our call feeling lighter, more connected to myself, and am looking forward to continuing our work together."
Would you consult with this advisor again, if you have a need?: Definitely

During her FIRST Perspective Reboot® session, I perceived that AP was not fully integrated in her body. This can happen from a young age when the home is volatile or we just do not feel safe in our family or being ourselves. I shared some tools for more intentionally integrating in her physical form. She promised to work with the "new information and tools I'd shared. 

After just a couple of days, I heard back from AP that she wanted to move her second session sooner as she was experiencing some anxiety. We had a brief chat via text in which Spirit shared an illumination "the fears are always bigger than real life threats ... the world is likely awaiting your energy of abandon", AP sent me the image of a woman wearing wings ... "My wings are reforming as we speak ... soon enough I'll be able to FLY! Look forward to joining you in the joyful freedom that I know awaits."

During AP's second full-hour Perspective Reboot® session, Spirit dove more deeply into AP's feelings of lack of safety to an overarching energy of not feeling safe, supported by LIFE. We worked through a young-adult trauma and I helped her unpack how she had inadvertently cut herself off from Spiritual support lines and from the safety net of Trust. As she closed down in this way, she became more and more lost within herself ... eventually arriving at this point in which she asks "Who Am I?"

I know this place well, having lived there for many years ... happy life, but not thriving ... feeling a disconnect I could not identify nor name! I sent AP her session notes and received this response:

"I've re-read your email from today many times already, it feels deeply soothing for me to have such beautiful support and instruction. Thank you for helping me process, restructure, and step into a future that I know will allow me to honor the fullness and authenticity of my being. You are such a blessing, Kristi. 🤗✨🙏🏻💕"

AP's again moved her THIRD Perspective Reboot® session sooner because she was "feeling squirmy". I sent her a text, reminding her to stand tall, and she noted "Thank you, thank you ~ Remembering I'm okay is important and new."

Rescheduling was ultimately synchronistic because the day of our session, AP was to give a huge presentation at work. She shared that she absolutely HATED speaking to groups, feeling like her mind went blank in those instances, despite being knowledgeable and able to speak to people one-to-one. 

I showed her some parallels between this situation and AP's feeling she had no voice in a family of six children. "The Universe has been presenting opportunities for you to re-write and heal that story." We worked on this during her session and I shared my insights about judgment, especially how we need to be aware of our judgment of others because that IS about us, but what others think of us is THEIR stuff.

A couple suggestions came through to help her stand more confidently and approach the situation from a different perspective. Subsequently, I was moved to ask her to stand up for an integration process in which she more intentionally claimed her place as/within/through LIGHT an LOVE! After sending her email notes, I received an affirmation which I texted, "Claiming my voice helps set me FREE." I asked her to get back to me about the presentation and later received:

"Just finished! I breathed into the anxiety, showed up as my full self, wasn't perfect but I enjoyed myself!" WOW, SHE ENJOYED IT; we were both thrilled. After reading her session notes that evening, she replied "We shifted something big today…I spoke with confidence in my presentation, I was able to fully articulate my thoughts in a meeting with the head of our agency, and I even shared in class tonight! Thank you again for blessing my life with your immense gifts and wisdom, Kristi!"

AP's life had shifted abruptly, which led her to seek this work, which expanded her perspective and is setting her free in ways she hadn't realized she'd fence herself in. Is this synchronicity or Divine Plan. Trust that life is leading you forward when you shift off of "auto pilot".

Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change

I am here for you, too! Often the things which are bothering us or appear as challenges are our greatest routes to reclaiming our power! 

In love and compassion,

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Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Pain-Free Knee After 1.5 Hours of Perspective Reboot® Healing*

illustration of woman seated with one leg extended and the other bent. body is seen as transluscent so you can see the bones.

[This post came up as a memory from January, 2014. Since I couldn't find the O.G. in this blog, I decided to share it here. My process is not just to help you heal in the moment, it's to help you work backward, forward, outside, but MOST ESPECIALLY inside to understand what might be at the root of pain. Pain is your body's way of communicating the unEASE the medical field labels disease.]

I had an in-person healing session with a client who had been experiencing constant knee pain for the LAST FIVE YEARS. It was preventing her from really moving that much, as even walking was painful. 

During our hour together I guided her through major shifts in her view of herself and her past as part of my Perspective Reboot® spiritual energy healing session. Of course there was also major healing taking place in her physical and emotional layers. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Overcome Patterns and Habits Holding Me Back*

Google 5-star review from Dr Jackie Frobese to Healing Resonance llc ~ Working with Kristi allowed me to overcome patterns of thinking and habits that were holding me back in life and work. I highly recommend Kristi Borst to those looking for change.

Release what no longer serves you and, therefore, our collective Highest Good! Sometimes it is not the world that holds us back but self-limiting beliefs and even self-sabotage. I getcha and can help support real-time shifts toward your more and better🥰 xo Kristi You can book an in-person or distance session online, 24/7. I also offer a catalog of Kore HealingSM empowerment and healing audio sessions you may purchase and work with at your convenience, repeatedly, as desired.

Google business 5-star review from Dr. Jackie Frobese "Working with Kristi allowed me to overcome patterns of thinking and habits that were holding me back in life and work. I highly recommend Kristi Borst to those looking for change.

Change is at hand,

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Thursday, January 19, 2023

I AM Feeling Whole and Well*

woman opens arms to sun. before text ~ I am stuck and paralyzed with a few areas that I would love help transmuting and releasing. after session via email ~ Thank you for the lovely session; I am feeling whole and well.

Before booking her session, Christine wrote to me indicating that she was "feeling stuck and paralyzed" in a couple of areas of her life. We scheduled a Perspective Reboot® session for later that week. Three days after her session, I received a thank you email stating "I am feeling whole and well."

You, too, are invited to release what no longer serves you and, thereby, our Highest Good. Book your in-person or distance session today! More and better may be closer than you've allowed yourself to grasp. I will show you the way!

Love and light,

Schedule Your Perspective Reboot® Healing Session
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Perspective Reboot® Podcast series, Free Mp3s and Free Videos
Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
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Friday, October 7, 2022

My Lungs Are Clear, My Sinuses Are Clear, The Stiffness and Super Discomfort Is GONE!*

Yvonne has made it onto the ring. Large crocketed hoops are in the background. Spotter obscured to the right.

[Yvonne has had chronic lung issues which can be triggered by poor air quality. She came to me with difficulty breathing and an extremely sore body from over exertion.]

"Sooo, this past Sunday night I decided I was going to join the circus. I met a lady who makes the aerial hoops (silks) for circus entertainers. She set one up for us to try. One woman was pretty good but another was a natural. Then there was me 🙄😂"

"Being me I could’nt try just once 🙄 I felt like hanging from my knees was too monkey like. I wanted to do “butt” stuff. I wanted to sit on the hoop and do lounging and swinging things. I know I make it look easy 🙄but, trust me, it’s not. I had a blast!!"

"However, that night my hands started tensing up and were incredibly sore. The next morning (Monday) my hands, my neck, my shoulders, my arms, my lower back, the front of my legs there wasn’t one part of my body that wasn’t screaming. 🙄😂"

"I used my trusted CBD oil and white willow and they definitely took the edge off it."

"I also sat close to a campfire Saturday and Sunday night. So my lungs and sinuses were congested from my Toxic air issues. I know how to have fun!!!😂"

"Tuesday was much the same and Wednesday. So, I went to see Kristi. We sat at her table and she put her hands on my hands and we focused on each part of my body that was still stiff and slightly screaming. She had me visualizing being a monkey and going from hoop to hoop and releasing everything and letting it go. That was an easy visual 😂"

"I always say I’m 'absolutely amazed' but I shouldn’t be because her healing energy has come to my rescue numerous times. Within a matter of a few minutes everything was relaxing. A little bit later it released even more. This morning I felt a little bit stiff and sore (mostly my hands) she spent two or three minutes with me and I feel fine now, actually, I feel great. My lungs are clear, my sinuses are clear, the stiffness and super discomfort is gone!"

"She’s the 'real deal', and I wanted to share my testimonial with you. Please check out her website and see what she’s capable of and what she has done for others!"

On many levels pain is truly optional and provides opportunities to release old trapped emotion.

Love and light,

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Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Erasing Fear of Childbirth with LOVE*

As I look at my beautiful daughter, I can't believe it was 4 weeks ago that I started my journey to becoming a Mom. Before Zoe came, I did a lot of work to release fear surrounding childbirth. One of the healers I used was Kristi Mortensen Borst. She was able to do a session of intuitive healing with me via phone. In addition to this session, I did massage, reiki, integrative energy therapy. By the time all was done, I  felt confident & ready to go through the adventure of a lifetim. If any of you are looking for some energetic support, please contact Kristi! I highly recommend her services.
 This came up as FB memory. So honored for this post by one of my first Perspective Reboot® clients ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍👶

What fear or even physical pain is holding you back from "the adventure of a lifetime"? I am here for you!

Release what no longer serves you ...


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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

I Got You A Little Something to Thank You For Helping Me*

gift box containing opalized shell

Courtney came to me in early June 2022. At her first in-person session she opted to purchase my 3-session Jump-Start Package. We had her third session yesterday, and afterward she presented me with this beautiful opalized fossil shell as thanks for how much she felt I helped her. In the coming weeks, she will be starting a new career with a new job lined up! Up, up, and away dear Courtney xo

On her initial intake form Courtney wrote "I would like help to release energy blockages in my body I feel have been there for some time, caused by traumatic experiences from over the years which has led to feeling anxious, depressed and disassociated at time. I have become more aware of them over the last few years, but feel they have been there for much longer." She also indicated stress in her upper back/neck/shoulder area. Constriction in hips and numbness in the sacral area.

Her anxiety abated during/after the first session in which we processed and released sexual trauma. I assisted her in having a better ownership of her body; feeling safe there. After the second session she was talking about moving forward on her path now that her fear and anxiety had abated. She also noted that she and her partner were not triggering each other anymore and that relationship had deepened. At the 3rd session, she announced that she had quit her dead-end job and was embarking on a new career. Her physical concerns had been mostly eliminated other than some lingering shoulder tension. Spirit shared a message about that, and I'm sure she'll continue to release on that point.

Release what no longer serves you ... fly free. Our time is NOW!

Love and light,
Kristi Borst

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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

God Guided Me to You So That This Energy Could Be Released*

[Krista reached out to me to ask about purchasing a session package rather than a single session. I always recommend this course for chronic or long-term concerns. They likely are rooted in a wound or stuck energy from another time and space; it does happen, but is somewhat demanding of oneself and our work to expect total resolution within an hour's time. This level of engagement also continues support between sessions. In Krista's case, I had sent her an email with some postscript information. This is a response from our second hour together. ]

Hi Kristi,

Just now having a moment to read your beautiful emails. I so appreciate your support. I am still trying to process the awakening that happened today. I think today was probably one of the biggest moments of my healing journey which has been a focus of my life for at least the last 30 years. 

I am so grateful for the safe space you have provided for me to release this deep sad, dark energy. I have been feeling sad since the session, but so hopeful that I may finally begin to allow true joy into my life. I appreciate you offering your openness to any questions that may arise. That is such a gift to me. Thank you.

I still don’t really know how I found you. And I’ve been going over today’s session in my mind trying to figure out how this darkness came to the surface. But I know for sure that God guided me to you so that this energy could be released. No other healer that I have ever been to has addressed this energy. I am so grateful.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to our next session together.

Love, Krista

release that which no longer serves you ...

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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Chronic Back Pain GONE; Root Causes of Pain Identified and Released*

[HLC was streaming a podcast series in the background as she did other things in her home. When my guest episode came one, something quickened and she listened intently. At the end of the podcast, she booked her first appointment. I am grateful for her testimonial for distance healing. We connected by Zoom for our first session and subsequently by phone.]

I came to Kristi predominantly for other non-physical pain issues after hearing her podcast.  At the particular time I reached out I was, in fact, having a two-week long nearly incapacitating lower back pain episode (which has presented itself off and on through the last 10-20 years, coming from nowhere with a vengeance and leaving in the same way - just as quickly).  

After about 5-10 minutes of submitting Kristi's pre-session Intake Form, I unmistakably had a rush of sweeping energy run through my field and emotions bubbling up and out, and I sensed that she may have already started doing her work.  I indicated on the form pain issues present for me in this random and recurrent and extreme way not only in the back, but also the hips, and right shoulder.  

We then had our first session the next day and wow.  Believe it or not, my back pain was about 90% gone by the next day.  After years of throwing money at chiropractors, I'm realizing now that this was a band aid solution and that the real pain root causes are perhaps related to non-physical matters.

Even though we are only in the beginning of working out my particular issues, I do believe Kristi is a talented healer and clearer of root cause emotional and energetic issues causing the pain symptoms.  I sensed this intuitively in advance and am so happy that I "listened" to the prompting to reach out to her. Also, her voice and demeanor is comforting in healing work as it has a nurturing and loving quality and tone to it and I like this. :-)

P.S. - her MP3 recordings of chakra healings are very good as well.  I'm working through a handful of these and have had observable effects on the first listen evidencing in my physical body and spontaneous release of emotions - I recommend these for use in between sessions or in lieu if $$ is an issue.  Thank you, Kristi!!! 

H La Croix

release that which no longer serves you ...

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Thursday, May 5, 2022

Healing from Afar*

[Kathleen and I met during the publication of my first book collaboration project, "Be The Beacon". She reached out to me and purchased a Jump-Start Package (three discounted sessions and/or 3.5 months energetic support, whichever comes first). I was surprised when she didn't schedule her first session but held her in the support of the package. Even though we didn't connect verbally I know that she received the support she needed on her initial concern. Win-win!]

energy-in-form art ©2022 KristiBorst

I signed up for 3 sessions, not truly knowing what to expect of a virtual healing experience, but trusting that Kristi was confident in her healing practice. I signed on with intention to continue building healthy relationships with my adult daughters; yet by the time our sessions began, I was navigating urgent challenges with my parents. I know this was why the timing was divinely guided.

Kristi can dance in the moment, and bring the exact healing prescribed by Universe. I am grateful for a personal, thorough, and gentle distance healing experience. Her gentle, soothing approach caused me to feel complete trust from the get go. Her voice is very healing. Her messages and intuition are spot on.

I highly recommend her, and I am glad that I did not know exactly what to expect. No session was exactly the same, and each was exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift of healing, Kristi Borst!

I am so very grateful,
Kathleen Troy

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Monday, January 31, 2022

I Was Feeling Very Broken ... Disconnected from Life*

[Perspective Reboot® Jump-Start Package client, JA of New Hampshire, shared this testimonial with me in two separate emails. She felt so much better after her first session; she wanted to bring hope to others, like her. I am grateful! Serving in this way is such a blessing of Grace! Love, Kristi]

Judy writes a testimonial ...

To anyone knowing that feeling of hopelessness, darkness, disconnect ...

My first session, for me, was to get to know Kristi to see if I could trust her and the offered process of healing with resonance. And, after speaking and listening, I felt I was in a trustworthy, safe place. 

So during the healing, I was receiving all kinds of light and healing in my body that I can barely describe. My painful areas on my body started to lessen; and where I had felt hopeless (traditional doctor saying there was nothing that could be done for me), Kristi would not hear of it. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

I'm So Glad I Bought the Package*

[Maureen had a run-in with some poison ivy and requested a post-trauma mini session with me. During that session, I tuned into some old anger and suggested that she purchase a package to work through some of the recurrent patterns and this stagnant energy. A Jump-Start package includes three one-hour sessions which may be used close together or space out over the course of 3.5 months. Maureen scheduled her sessions about a month apart. I provide hand-written session notes to in-person Perspective Reboot® clients and an email to distance Perspective Reboot® session clients, outlining the "life hacks", imagery, affirmations, etc. that Higher Guidance has shared for them.]

Kristi, I want to share that everything in my life is better ... my inner peace, my relationship, my work. I am so glad you suggested I engage in a package after my mini session for the poison ivy. I had no idea that this would help me so much and feel that I will be well-served to continue to schedule on a regular basis. post-trauma mini session. I feel this is something that would help me to do on a regular basis.

Thank you so much for the notes! These are very helpful, I love the information about the eyes and the mantra I can use!

Lots of love to you always and we will be in touch ~ I love knowing you're there when I need you! Thank you for sharing your beautiful and loving gifts with the world!


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Sunday, September 5, 2021

I am grateful*

Testimonial for Healing Resonance with Kristi Borst. Family on sunset pier.

[Megan contacted me while on vacation with her family. She had recently found my site and was planning to schedule an in-person session once school had started. However, she was feeling extremely "off" and anxious during the vacation and requested support. I was able to fit her in for a distance session that same day. We worked on inner child healing/reconnection and awareness/healing of long-term family patterns.]

“Thank you so much for working with me right away. I had a really great afternoon with my family. I feel easier in myself already and look forward to booking an in-person session soon. I am very grateful!” 


release that which no longer serves you ...

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

It's like Night and Day*

 [Three-session in-person package, spanning 6/1 to 7/15/21. ED came to me to "reduce anxiety and create balance within myself". There was chronic pain in the back of the head and shoulders, which released after the first session.]

Thank you for everything you've done for me. Things continue to release between the sessions, which is great.

When I think about myself, my life and my past, I see things in a totally different way. It's like night and DAY. I have a lot more compassion and inner peace.

I'll be back again!

release that which no longer serves you ...

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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Thank You Earth Angel*

[Distance session ~ Marie heard my interview "Healing Beyond Space and Time" on Starseed Radio Academy and knew I was her One to help. She had recurrent and stubborn oral infections at the site of a root canal. Prior to our session, I checked with her to ensure she was getting licensed dental care and supplementing her body's natural healing with appropriate medicines. Even with these treatments, she wasn't getting better; during her session, we addressed the energetic and non-physical aspects of the wound.]

It’s been a month since our session and the block you helped remove really opened me up to new possibilities! I didn’t realize ... my energy was floating above my body; no wonder I wasn’t healing! 

I feel centered, safe and grounded. Thank you for getting the ball rolling in our session. I know you took extra time in our session; and I really appreciate it!

Thank you Earth Angel!

Peace and Love,
(Houston, Texas)

release that which no longer serves you ...

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Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
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