In the last six months, it has been my extreme joy to work with a number of sweet souls, painfully living out-of-touch with their TRUE SELVES, essence, light. I have served as a mid-wife in ways, helping them in their own rebirthing.
I'm sharing some of their sentiments of reclamation and transformation facilitated by their purchasing Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Energy Healing sessions via my Jump-Start Package option. In similar and yet vastly different ways, each has experienced what feels like awakening to a NEW LIFE, a better version of themselves they never knew existed beneath the mire ... what I can only explain as "density" borne of trauma, self-doubt, inner disconnect.
As KL expressed at the start of our third session on Friday, "My Perspective Reboot® wasn't immediate. It built with each session, and today I feel not only LIGHTER but also BRIGHTER. I'm bringing my brightness out into the world in ways that I never knew how to allow myself to do before! I am so glad for the synchronicity that led me to you!"
Even those of us who have been gifted with "an easy, pleasant childhood" can become fragmented and separated from our True Selves. It can seem that things are coming to a head at this point, but please know that when trouble surfaces it is our inner calling for MORE and BETTER ... #thevibetothrive! "The Universe" is urging us to heal that which is buried so we may SHINE!
RO has been feeling somewhat hopeless for the last few years. While away at a conference in Alabama this winter, her wife was attending a cocktail party and met a woman who had worked with me some years ago. CB encouraged contacting me, sharing that our sessions had been life-changing.
In our most-recent session, RO expressed gratitude ..."I am thrilled to be looking ahead to 2024, hopeful for the first time in years." Like many of us, RO was programmed by her elders to beLIEve that "life is hard" and "the struggle is real". I've been guiding her to the sweet space of surrender in which we know and trust that "life is good" and "we are so blessed".
These spaces of living are each available to us as a choice, but we have to REAL-EYEs what we are and have been choosing before we can SEE(ze) our power in the very magical conscious NOW!
Remember, whatever challenge we find we're repeatedly facing is actually our GREATEST OPPORTUNITY to expand and heal, not only ourSELVES but also our forward/backward bloodline, and hence, our world! RO expresses to me each time we meet remotely, how wonderful and improbable was the path that led her to me was. I agree!
Please know, life is happening for us; ALL IS WELL!
This past fall, I worked with a friend's mom, currently in her 80s. She was coming to me because she had unnamed "anger I cannot pinpoint." Through inner child healing, we reframed some traumatic loss she had suffered, and been unable to process as a young child.
Spirit/Source/Our Highest Good/God guides the sessions and shares loving energy, messages, awarenesses as/through me. After each session, I write notes for my client's continued self-awareness and "homework". When CP joined me at the table after her first session, she shared "You have such a gentle loving way of seeing. Thank you for opening my eyes. I have wasted so much time, but I am ready to start ... LIVING!"
Each light and soul here are so necessary, even critical to our mass, so these sentiments are literal "music to my ears". Reach out for support in claiming/owning/expressing your own #vibetothrive!
Kristi Borst, PhD
release that which no longer serves you ...
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