Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Testimonials and Feedback

I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people in getting to a greater space of wellness and joy through my Healing Resonance, Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit-emotions sessions, and energy-in-form fractal art. We are not merely our bodies ... we are an ever-changing composite of physicality, emotions, spirituality, and energy/frequency/vibration. These aspects of self are so tied together in somewhat of a "chicken and egg" (which came first) scenario that the mind-body-spirit approach to healing makes so much sense.

In each client testimonial I have provided a bit of background info [written in brackets]. Many major transformations reflect a shedding of an old, painful story/frequency/density. This is why I love to say "release what no longer serves you." The time & energy is right for incredible shifts. We are each here to contribute our pure essence of light and love; that is so much easier to do when we are centered, balanced, and connected within our Selves! Much love, Kristi

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Showing posts with label Testimonials. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Healing Beyond Space and Time*

[Amanda found me on Bob Olsen's Best Psychic Directory. She felt stuck and had a number of areas of her body that were unbalanced. Despite separation by oceans, continents and 16 Time Zones, we connected via internet for her powerful upliftment, rebalancing, integration. During her session, we worked not only on her present condition but also healed inner child woundings and dis-ease she'd been carrying for many many years. I approach healing to empower my client to level up to their best self right now; it's a team process. As we heal one, we uplift one another and our world!]

Thank you Kristi for today. You were able help me in exactly the way I needed. Thank you so much!!!!xxx

I went for a walk after our session to integrate what work we did. I felt 10 feet taller, had an easy strident, enveloped in a cloud of gentle peace and strength. Integrated.

We did good work ! :-)
(NSW, Australia)

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

There Was a Small Part of Me That Wondered If A [Distance] Session Would Really Change Anything for Me. Boy, Has It!*

Connect to Inner Peace and Wellness today with Healing Resonance with Kristi Borst

[Distance session. Raymond send a pre-scheduling email "I have been experiencing some severe muscle fatigue and energy drainage recently. I need clarity on what is going on and are you able to help with ascension issues. I am considering a 1 hour session." I wrote back asking if he had spoken to his physician about his symptoms but that I felt I could assist with his symptoms and providing information. Ours was a distance session by phone. During his session, Raymond mentioned that he was very frustrated in his job, and we worked on this because I felt it was affecting his energy to some degree. Below is his response email to my session follow-up email, rec'd two days after his session.]

Hi Kristi,

I've noticed a big improvement in how I feel. I felt great today. I mean really, the muscle fatigue is gone. The irritability and crankiness I felt is gone. I've slept better for the past two nights.

I have not felt this balanced and energetic for months. The things that would normally get; me irritated at work, hardly bothered me at all today. I feel motivated and charged to work on my goals again.

I have to be honest. Even though I believe in energy healing, there was a small part of me that wondered if a session would really change anything for me. Boy has it.] I'm not saying I feel perfect yet, but I really do feel better, and I am happy and grateful to be feeling more balanced as I did last year.

Thank you so much.
Raymond, Georgia

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Your Energy is So Amazing*

[In-person session for physical concerns. Prior to the session I received insights of much fear being held in the physical body, causing some of the physical symptoms. During the session some fear was identified and released. As is the case with many session, this was old "stuff" likely from when client was 8 or 9 and still stuck in her painful dis-empowered "story".]

Kristi, that was wonderful! Your energy is so amazing. I felt so much love that at one point I almost cried.

My [body part that was tense ... not mentioned for client privacy] feels so much looser. I didn't realize how much pain I was in until you released it.

When you said to "see the fear without judgment and just love it free as a miscreation", I knew you were the one for me. I will definitely be back!

Thank you so much,
LL, Massachusetts

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

I Got So Much Guidance*

[Distance Perspective Reboot® session for self confidence, body image, fear release. Client also expressed that shew as just curious to have energy work.]

Thank you, Kristi. My heart feels so much lighter. I wasn't even aware of how much I was holding onto! I feel like I got so much guidance and I'm so grateful!

Lots of love to you,
SS, Boston

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

I Feel Amazing!*

[Kayla found me online and scheduled a session. I received a number of emails from her in the days leading up to her session. I replied, assuring her that I would be able to assist her in healing mind-body-spirit-emotions. She was able to let a lot of dense/heavy energy release during her first session. 

I know that each one of us is important, even critical to our world. It is my joy and honor to help reconnect people with their inherent joy and wellness! BE here now.]

smiling young woman. BEFORE email "I have been struggling with a number of things  [depression, social anxiety, feel empty, fatigue, unable to let go of past trauma] ... Regardless of  getting my energy cleared regularly from  reiki sessions, these problems still persist. I have seen doctors and have had medication for depression in the past. Traditional practices have never helped." AFTER  "Thank you so much! Already feeling better and more peaceful. I truly appreciate your work. Hugs"
"Thank you so much! Already feeling better and more peaceful. I truly appreciate your work." Kayla
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Friday, August 3, 2018

I AM Doing Great*

[In-person session with client. Prior to session, her state was reflected on the Intake Form statements below. Client touched base via email four days after her first one-hour session.]

BEFORE ~ "I feel blocked.  Just got out of abusive/toxic relationship/starting new job/have been dealing with anxiety/depression … coped with self-medication (drinking more than usual) things have been better since I stopped the relationship. Low self-esteem. I think it has been going on for the past year. I have talked to my doctor regarding anxiety issues (chest pains shortness of breath). All test came back negative.

DURING ~ Elizabeth had jut started using "the patch" and we worked on healing any past-tense damage. She expressed some feelings of not being good enough for her new job; those fears addressed and receded. Client noticed the opening of her heart and lungs during her session. Feeling of lightness was remarkable to her.

AFTER ~ "I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that I am doing great.  I read your note every night and every morning."

[I provide written notes of affirmations and empowerment tips which come through for clients in both in-person and distance one-hour sessions.]

"As soon as I get back on my feet financially I'd love to make an appointment monthly ... Thank you so much."

Much love,
Elizabeth C, Maine

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Monday, July 9, 2018

I Have Been Doing Much Better!*

[Distance session requested via email for multiple concerns. Kim wrote "Chief complaint is depression. None of my normal activities are bringing me joy. I don't even feel happy when I look at (my view which I treasure)...Lately I would rather sit home and watch TV or sleep." Chakra blocks and emotional root wounds were identified in area of physical concerns. These were related to the low feelings, which lifted and shifted. We worked past deep resistance to letting go and change.]

Thank you! Though the work was challenging, I think it was what I needed. I have been doing much better!

Kim, Wyoming

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Friday, March 23, 2018

You Were Right On Point With So Many Things*

[Distance session, second of a purchased 3-Session Jump Start Package. Client initially sought sessions due to impending breast cancer surgery. Insights, understanding, compassion and Perspective Reboot® aspects of her session have helped to transmute thoughts, feelings and vibrations that helped to foster the cancer and also digestive issues within her body. The reference to angels is that when I "touched" her shoulders near the end of our session I heard "Your angels are well pleased with you" and conveyed that message to her. Messages come through like this, for the mind-body-spirit-emotions, unique for each client and their healing-empowerment-journey.]

Thanks Kristi,

I so totally appreciate having your time a guidance. You were right on point with so many things. After our session I expected to be a little wiped out from my tears of release. But, just the opposite occurred. I spent the rest of the day yesterday euphoric and full of energy.

I am looking forward to progressing through this and exploring/developing some new aspects of "me". I am completely excited to know I have angels with me and that they are pleased...how great is that?

Thanks again xo
Susan F, Connecticut

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

What You Did for Me Took a Couple of Days to Kick In ... I Am Back*

[In person session to address feelings of sadness and client's assessment that he was drinking too much. One of the reasons for my 24-hour cancellation policy is that our work starts in the hours leading up to the session. Client had noticed a shift on the morning before our session.]

Hi Kristi, 

Much has changed [since my session 4 days ago]! The dark cloud of sadness and despair has dissipated. I am back to my normal, happy go lucky self! So thank you for that!

One of the first things I noticed was jogging from my car to the store or from point A to point B, whereas I used to drag my feet. And, I'm also parking further away from my destination as you suggested.

As for the drinking: I did drink each night, but less and less each night and yesterday morning and last night, felt silly about the drinking. Last night I didn’t finish my second drink and instead, ate something light and went to bed early. 

Yesterday after work, I actually bought running shoes and went jogging this morning. I feel great and am wondering how I ever let myself get to the point I got too. 

It’s as if what you did for me took a couple days to kick in**. Or, perhaps you snuck in some “distance healing”?? In fact, on Monday morning, as I told you, I was in such a great mood but couldn’t explain why, as nothing had changed, or so I thought ;)

Thank you. You’re awesome!!
Dave L, New Hampshire

[**Note, we did this together in alignment with the Greater Good for All :) ] 

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Friday, January 5, 2018

Glad I Tried Kristi's Post-Op Pain Relief and Faster Healing Sessions!*

[Client purchased my 45-minute Post-Op and Healing Acceleration Package. All sessions were accomplished through phone call, energetic, telepathic and love-based healing connectivity.]

I decided to try Kristi's pain relief post op sessions for a planned molar extraction. Upon her suggestion, I purchased the 45-minute pack and had the first session within an hour after the surgery (we did a total of 3 sessions within the first 12 hours after surgery).

The surgeon had suggested I'd have some bleeding for the first 24 hours; my bleeding stopped after my first session with Kristi.

Prior to surgery, the oral surgeon's staff had suggested I buy 200 mg Ibuprofen, which I did. After surgery, the surgeon prescribed Ibuprofen with Codeine, but I decided to see how it went with Kristi first. I did take some of the standard Ibuprofen during the first 24 hours.

I had no swelling whatsoever and felt so great that I went back to work less than 24 hours later.

I'm so glad I tried Kristi's pain relief and faster healing sessions!

Truly, Joseph

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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

You Helped Me to Wake Up to My Spiritual Awareness!*

[Client booked her distance session for “Clarification, perspective, intuition guidance. Getting the word ‘shame’ out of my life. Major depressive disorder for the last 30 years. Skin.” During her session a major source of shaming came through for healing and release. I also taught Tamara how to work more effectively at healing a skin condition rather than owning it. In closing the session by going through each chakra, her throat chakra “told me” that a route to her joy would be for her to sing.]

Before the session, I was feeling a lack of enthusiasm, disappointment, almost stuck in a place I could not move from.

Now I feel the enthusiasm, I feel a new surge of life and my spirit has risen above the clouds of feeling stuck.

I have a new viewpoint of my life. Putting my crocheting away for awhile and picking up my guitar and singing again!

I feel enlightened, directed and confident since our session! You helped me to wake up to my spiritual awareness! There is so much more good that came from the session ...

Thank you! Truly,
Tamara, Florida

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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

You Did What 36 Years of Will Power Could Not Do!*

[In person session for connection to inner gifts. A psychic reader had told Dave he needed to step into his gift and be a "healer". During session I shared how important it is to release all negativity from our bodies ... both for our physical health and to be a better channel for love. During this process, Dave shared that he had never forgiven a serious girlfriend for their long-ago breakup. We worked on understanding, compassion and forgiveness to clear this lower vibration and looping sub-program. 

Near the end of the session, the message came through for Dave that he is already connected to his gifts ... "kindness & laughter". I saw that these are gifts he shares in the workplace; gifts which make that a better space for himself, his co-workers and clients. This lifted a huge weight from Dave, as he now realized he didn't have to become someone else he had no clue how to be. 

There are many different forms of healing and being of service in our world <3 Be yourself <3] 

Hi Kristi,

I’ve been meaning to email you for quite a while now! Do you recall that I still harbored some ill feelings towards a former person in my life? Well, guess what! All those feelings are gone!

When that person pops into my mind, my feelings are NEUTRAL!! No hard feelings, no regrets, just neutrality.

You did what 36 years of will power could not do! God bless you!!

Dave L
New Hampshire

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I Felt Comfortable ... and Never Pushed.*

[In-person session focused on feeling separated from ability to be self loving and loving within intimate relationships. During session trauma and self doubt arising from non-acceptance by biologicial family came forward for healing and release. Ben was able to let go of a painful period in his life and reconnect with childhood joy. This work bridged the gap to being more self loving and able to give/receive love within his primary relationships.]

Since our session, it has been clearer to me that a career change is needed. I don't feel respected and valued at my current position and think that's really seeping into my psyche outside of the office.

I have found that returning to "I can give love, I can get love, because I am love" internally and spoken aloud is really helpful. [This is the mantra that came for Ben during his session. There is typically a word, phrase or other technique that comes through as a takeaway for each client's situation ~ Kristi]

There are still swings up and down, but it seems more manageable. There are definitely more "highs" than "lows" since working with you. I love the "energy counseling" aspect of your Perspective Reboot® process. I felt comfortable and valid throughout and never pushed!

Thank you again for your help and sharing your gift with me.

Ben G., Vermont

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Cages Releasing From My Body Like Balloons Released From A Box*

[In-person sessions, initially sought for assistance in processing a traumatic event which happened within the last year. Also seeking insights and assistance with concurrent relationship turmoil and life-long pattern of people pleasing.]

My partner does not believe in spiritual or energy healing. However, he noticed huge progress after just one session with you compared with what has been accomplished in 10 years of talk therapy. Honestly, I feel like I'm done talking about it (painful childhood, difficulty setting boundaries, people pleasing).

Your observations and insights that behaviors I don't like in others are paralleled by my own behaviors was so relevant! Just this perspective alone has helped me shift my life for the better, right here and now.

As we worked on inner child healing in this second session, I was amazed to be able to "see" my younger self trapped in a cage. With your help, I got to the wonderful point of seeing and sensing the cages releasing from my body. There were so many of them, and they were like balloons released from a box.

I am so excited to continue our work together,
Finding Myself Happy, Maine

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Painful Skin Condition, Hormonal Problems, Anxiety*

[Combination of In-Person and Distance Sessions. Customized imagery/visualizations and ways to speak to herself and her body came through our work together, which accelerated the healing and empowerment process. Beyond the physical healing that took place, client transitioned from very insecure, fearful and apologetic to embarking on a more empowered phase of living, including deciding to move cross-country. You go, Lily!]

I came to Kristi for a painful skin condition as well as hormonal problems and anxiety. I felt like the pain had taken over my life, and I was so emotionally distraught because of it.

Kristi helped me not only get rid of my pain, but helped my issue subside substantially. She was able to find the root of the problem and helped me let go of the past that was making my anxiety so suffocating. I am moving forward with a new chapter of my life ...

If you are struggling with anything, I recommend her! I will always be grateful for her work with me.

Lily, 23
New Hampshire 

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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Releasing the Past to Finally Find Peace Within*

[Singly-scheduled distance sessions spaced over a period of five months. These were not part of a package. "P Henry" scheduled when they feeling overwhelmed and needed to assistance in processing and releasing heavy emotions which were also affecting their physical body.]

I have had three sessions with Kristi and can highly recommend her and her work.  Kristi is kind, insightful, and thorough.  She has helped me successfully navigate some very difficult times in my life by helping me see my body's reactions and sensations as cues to what may be bothering me. Kristi makes suggestions on how I can help myself, as well as identifying and affirming my own gifts.

With Kristi's guidance, I have peeled away layers to get to some core issues that have kept me stagnant.  Her insight and care have helped me release the past to finally find peace within. I see a more clear path to living up to my full potential as a being of light and unconditional love.

P Henry

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Spiritual Oasis*

[In-person session prior to scheduled surgery and post-op trauma-release session.]

Our session and connection was a spiritual oasis for me in the midst of a medical situation that required ultimate trust and surrender. 

Mary Lynn

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

I Got Engaged!*

[Distance session in mid-June, from Maine to New Zealand. On her Intake Form, Clarise noted she'd "had a Breast Reduction surgery in March and still recovering. Leaving me a little constricted with movement and neck and shoulders tensed." As happens many times in my session work, Clarise's 8-year old self came forward to heal a cornerstone of the physical issue. Immediate release in the breast tissue and ribs. Also release of some patterns of worry and anxiety.]

It has been over a month since our session and I just want to thank you for your healing and help. The pain I had on my left side was gone the following day of the session, and it has been a lot more flexible. (You had suggested I embrace the adventurous spirit of my younger Self, so) I took my eight-year-old self to a place called Hobbiton, and it felt amazing. And a few weeks later I got engaged!

Thank you again!

Warmest Regards,
Clarise R
New Zealand

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

I Noticed Big Changes ... More Energy, Less Nausea, Less Pain*

[Distance session. Dorothy's daughter found my site and "knew" I could help her mom. In early June, Dorothy had multiple teeth extractions and significant blood loss, resulting in her passing out and breaking her hip. She contacted me about 3 weeks after her unexpected hip replacement, feeling lots of pain, nausea, and weakness. 

Her pain largely released during her session. Messages came through of visualizations and methods she could more readily integrate the foreign body parts into the physical. Severe nausea was initially released but returned a bit at the end of the session. I "spoke to" and worked with the blood about increased red blood cell production, as Dorothy stated her Hematocrit was well below normal at 26.]

Hi Kristi,

Thanks so much for session. I noticed big changes. More energy less nausea and less pain in places we focused on tho still a lot of pain in some places.

I would like to do another session if u think would continue to diminish pain and help healing health and well being proceed more smoothly. [I reminded Dorothy that, at the end of the session, I had shared that she would benefit from a 2nd session within a 1-week time frame. Dorothy has scheduled that work.]

Thank You,

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Monday, July 10, 2017

If You Haven't Partnered with Kristi, You Haven't Tried Everything*

[Post-op mini pain-relief/healing acceleration sessions beginning day of Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Facial Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas (skin cancer). Subsequent mini sessions in the days following.]

Having what I thought was a simple skin cancer spot removed, under my nose, turned into quite an ordeal! The incision was fairly long and deep. The surgeon said it was deeper than had appeared. I ended up with inside and outside stitches and steri strips over those and bandaging on top of all that!!

I am so very fortunate to know what Kristi has done for others and to have "known" to ask her to assist with her post-op sessions. I opted for her 45-minutes total session time package. She worked on me immediately when I got out of surgery/recovery, doing two 10 min sessions with me in the course of 3 hours right after surgery.

Before we started, I felt an odd stinging session that bordered on a burning feeling around my upper lip and under the nose. This was relieved, and gone, within 2 or 3 minutes! Though the right side of my face was still numb, I could feel a slight "pulling" sensation as she worked on me. I had her work on me with my eyes closed. I could feel energy swirling through my face and leaving. At one point, I did open my eyes and her hand was "pulling" in the air and away from my face. I felt that! It's just odd sensations but the relief was immediate. She says she can "remove trauma" and I know it's true.