[As Founding Member of Holistic Pros NH/ME, I have known Sonia professionally for a couple of years. When she posted in our FB about her extreme physical pain (headache) and trauma and I knew that I could help. I reached out to her to offer one of my #healingresonancellc 15-minute Injury/Post-Op sessions. These are appropriate when suffering a fall, accident, or prior to and after physical surgery. I can communicate with the body, mind, spirit, emotions to restore balance so that healing is accelerated. In this case, I detected that part of Sonia's soul essence was not fully-grounded within her physical body and helped her to retrieve and assimilate that. Stock image.]
The day I got into my car accident, Kristi sent me a message saying she could help. I accepted and we connected on the phone. The experience with her was beyond anything I could have expected. I am certain she helped me release the trauma of the accident and offered me a wonderful soul healing.
I know when the accident happened that I left a part of me at the site, it's what happens when trauma touches us. Kristi joined me through the ethers and brought me back to wholeness. I know this to be true because there has been absolutely no reaction to similar experiences (seeing a car out of the corner of my eye).
I am so grateful to Kristi and the work that she does, it's profound, intuitive and brings up the truth-bumps whenever I think of her.
Sonia Gaudette, NH
Schedule Your Post-Accident/Pre- and Post-Surgical Session today!
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