[Karen and I met per chance at a recent fair in which I was a vendor and healer. I was actually walking around when I noticed her and her unusual pendant. I asked if I could look more closely at it and touch it. There was a connection on the spot and I suggested to her that she make an appointment to see me. She booked an in-person session, days later. She told me that my image kept coming to mind, and she knew she had to trust that inner knowing. Her session was booked for release of fears and psychic pain, and we released some intense, multidimensional fear and sadness. ]
Having a session with you was the best gift I could give myself. At the start of the session I was a bit anxious knowing I would be delving into my soul and peeling away some deep layers!
However you guided me expertly, and you truly are a gifted individual! A heartfelt THANK YOU.
You enabled me to clear some long-held blockages that were preventing me from moving forward with my life. I am truly refreshed!
Big Hugs and Peace,