Before I called you I had seen [another practitioner]. She was the first one that actually answered the phone and was willing to see me right away. I went to the appointment and it was nice. However, she didn't listen to me in the way I needed her to. [My concerns about negative energy] did not fit in with her whatever...whole picture...way of believing. She was extremely dismissive and unwilling to see anything other than her way...insisting that my energy was just fine because of a pendulum she held above my Chakras. She talked about herself nonstop, and the retreats with this Tibetan person and that ......
The second I met you, I had an instant feeling of comfort and understanding. It felt like I had come home or embraced a long-lost friend. I found the way you work is so similar to the way that my Reiki teacher from long ago works: the feather clearing, the bowl ... even as much as the little jiggles you would give to get things moving.
It was a complete lesson to me to continue to trust my instincts. I just wanted to pass all of that along to you as a big huge thank you. Thanks again. I appreciate the support.
Ashley Morrill
release that which no longer serves you ...
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