Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Testimonials and Feedback

I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people in getting to a greater space of wellness and joy through my Healing Resonance, Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit-emotions sessions, and energy-in-form fractal art. We are not merely our bodies ... we are an ever-changing composite of physicality, emotions, spirituality, and energy/frequency/vibration. These aspects of self are so tied together in somewhat of a "chicken and egg" (which came first) scenario that the mind-body-spirit approach to healing makes so much sense.

In each client testimonial I have provided a bit of background info [written in brackets]. Many major transformations reflect a shedding of an old, painful story/frequency/density. This is why I love to say "release what no longer serves you." The time & energy is right for incredible shifts. We are each here to contribute our pure essence of light and love; that is so much easier to do when we are centered, balanced, and connected within our Selves! Much love, Kristi

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What You Do and Share is Absolutely Phenomenal*

[Lynn was in a very fragile state when she called me on Friday, June 6, for an appointment. Feelings she had pushed down for many years were surfacing. In addition, she was feeling shaken by some developing psychic abilities However, she wanted to wait until Monday for her session. I did some preliminary centering with her to smooth things out, and we met by phone on Monday, June 9. The loving energy helped calm, clear and center her. I also helped her ground herself and step into her personal power.]

I am feeling much better, centered. Following your recommendations every day.  Listening to your talk show & reread your blogs. Such loving inspiration!

On Tuesday, June 10th I had three spiritual experiences. I just want to say that [since my session with you] these experiences are so peaceful & loving!  Amazing!

What you do and share is absolutely phenomenal. I feel so much comfort in learning and knowing about ourselves - our spirit having a human experience. It is a whole different perspective and understanding!  I feel blessed to be aware of all of this! You are a comfort to me!

Lynn G
Rhode Island

release that which no longer serves you ...

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