Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Testimonials and Feedback

I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people in getting to a greater space of wellness and joy through my Healing Resonance, Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit-emotions sessions, and energy-in-form fractal art. We are not merely our bodies ... we are an ever-changing composite of physicality, emotions, spirituality, and energy/frequency/vibration. These aspects of self are so tied together in somewhat of a "chicken and egg" (which came first) scenario that the mind-body-spirit approach to healing makes so much sense.

In each client testimonial I have provided a bit of background info [written in brackets]. Many major transformations reflect a shedding of an old, painful story/frequency/density. This is why I love to say "release what no longer serves you." The time & energy is right for incredible shifts. We are each here to contribute our pure essence of light and love; that is so much easier to do when we are centered, balanced, and connected within our Selves! Much love, Kristi

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Because of the Blocks [Kristi] Removed, It Has Caused an Avalanche of Opportunity to Come My Way ...

[Distance healing session via telephone.]

Kristi is a POWERFUL healer!

I also work as an energetic healer who is in the process of taking the leap to start my business in this field.  In the process of researching other websites to get ideas for mine, I came across Kristi’s site. I loved the wording and the energy I felt just from reading her site. I decided to schedule a long-distance phone session with her to work through some of my many blocks regarding my path as a healer that I felt were holding me back. I also had hopes that I could just talk with her and get some of her experiential advice in this field but I did not mention that desire when we talked during the intake portion of my session.

During our session, Kristi remotely was able to sense and simultaneously work on the fear based energies around my heart and their connection to childhood trauma I had experienced. It was a very soothing and relaxed experience even when I felt the waves of emotion come up and out. She worked with me to remove the many blocks that were present. During the session I began to feel much lighter.
Over the next few days following our session there was continued energetic movement that I felt. Although I knew that this would happen, she had very kindly explained the possibility of this to me during our session so that I would not be alarmed. She also picked up on my desire to pick her brain about starting this type of business. She was so sweet and offered to set aside some time to speak with me. During that time she answered all of my questions about how she got started in her business which was extremely helpful.

It has been almost 1 month since our session and I have to say that for the last 2 weeks there has been a profound peace in my spirit that I have not felt since I started this journey 1 year ago. Also, because of the blocks she removed it has caused an avalanche of opportunity to come my way in various ways, shapes and forms. I know that all of these new opportunities coming at this time are not a coincidence. They are a direct result of Kristi’s work that has allowed for me to now live at a higher vibration and attract similar higher level energetic circumstances into my life.

Kristi is a truly gifted and powerful healer! As any true healer knows, throughout our journey we will switch places between being the healer and the one receiving the healing. I am honored to have been guided to Kristi’s loving care. I know that I was in extremely good hands.

Thank you so much Kristi!

Dr. Measha Dancy
Atlanta, Georgia

release that which no longer serves you ...

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