Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Testimonials and Feedback

I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people in getting to a greater space of wellness and joy through my Healing Resonance, Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit-emotions sessions, and energy-in-form fractal art. We are not merely our bodies ... we are an ever-changing composite of physicality, emotions, spirituality, and energy/frequency/vibration. These aspects of self are so tied together in somewhat of a "chicken and egg" (which came first) scenario that the mind-body-spirit approach to healing makes so much sense.

In each client testimonial I have provided a bit of background info [written in brackets]. Many major transformations reflect a shedding of an old, painful story/frequency/density. This is why I love to say "release what no longer serves you." The time & energy is right for incredible shifts. We are each here to contribute our pure essence of light and love; that is so much easier to do when we are centered, balanced, and connected within our Selves! Much love, Kristi

Thursday, August 28, 2014

An Incredibly Gifted Healer; She Has Helped Me, My Son and My Daughter⁎

[Testimonial from a fb post about my 13-week radio program through TransformationTalkRadio.com. This was an amazing experience, as the information to discuss came to me in a bundle (topics first) with details and parables coming in the days and minutes before and even during the shows.]

I am honored to call Kristi Mortensen Borst my friend. She just ended a 13 week radio show and was asked back for one more week! This is her latest show (last?...who knows). She is an incredibly gifted healer; she has helped me, my son and my daughter. Sometimes, it's one session and others it takes more but it's all worth it.

GET AWAY from traditional doctors and go back to what worked for our forefathers. Just my humble...hahahaha...opinion but it works. You can listen to her shows, archived, through her website Healing Resonance and experiencing her healing videos.

Do yourself a favor and check her out. This was her "encore" show, yesterday, July 15, 2014. I'm including her write up below:

"Perspective Reboot® Information Overload: Finding the Nuggets of Gold in the Murky Waters
One doesn't have to look far to find doom and gloom predictions of things that will happen today, tomorrow, at some future point in time. Perhaps you even have a doom and gloom program looping continually in your subconscious mind? Let's explore your "secret" abilities to pan for gold and consistently come out a winner! Perhaps you already have gold in your hands but just cannot believe your eyes? Or others are telling you "That isn't Gold!" Is it all a mirage? You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life of joy. The door to your getting there may be much closer than you've realized. What if all it takes is one more try to succeed? I am a gifted intuitive energy healer and have helped many people in private session and through gifted mini session on this show. Despite opening the 800 number call-in line at the top of the hour, no one called until the very last couple of minutes of the show. I worked very briefly with Bernie who was having shoulder pain, but was not able to fully connect with her in that time. I extended the invitation for her to call me privately after the show so I could continue the support to her on this issue." 

[This segment air time was gifted to me by Dr. Pat and Transformation Talk Radio.]

Namaste and Enjoy!
Yvonne Prince
New Hampshire

release that which no longer serves you ...

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